Alumni Affairs Self-Study

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Alumni devotion, engagement, and support have long been among Princeton's greatest assets and defining characteristics. As the University thinks strategically about its future, it is important to assess the state of alumni engagement and to ask whether there are steps that should be taken not only to sustain this engagement, but to expand and enhance it.

The most recent thorough review of the University's relationships with its alumni was conducted in 2002 by the Trustee Committee on Alumni Affairs and the Executive Committee of the Alumni Council. The two committees issued a joint statement that proposed a variety of measures to sustain strong, lifelong, and mutually beneficial relationships between the University and its alumni. This self-study should assess progress made over these past dozen years and new needs and opportunities that may have arisen, addressing, among others, the following questions:

  • What steps are being taken, and what additional steps can and should be taken, to ensure continued and even greater engagement by alumni of all backgrounds as participants and as leaders in alumni programs and in the life of the University?
  • How effective are existing programs of outreach and communications in informing and engaging alumni and how can they be improved?
  • What improvements, if any, should be considered to enhance such signature programs as Reunions and Alumni Day, and are there other “signature” programs that should be considered?
  • What additional staffing and financial resources would be required to achieve an expanded and enhanced alumni relations program and are there existing staff positions or financial resources that could be reallocated to areas of higher priority?


This self-study will be conducted by the Alumni Affairs office in consultation with the Executive Committee of the Alumni Council.
